These things happen! Don’t worry though, your account will not be cancelled until your payment fails 4 times. If you pay by credit card and you know that your card details have changed then you can go to your
My Account page, select the Subscriptions tab and you should see a link to ‘Update Billing Details’. Once you change your card details your payment will be processed immediately. If you pay by PayPal please ensure that there are adequate funds in your account so that payment will go through when payment is tried again. Unfortunately, there is no way to change when PayPal will attempt to make payments, or to push the payment through earlier. Payment will automatically be tried again by our payment processors 4-5 days after a failed payment, but you will lose access to The HMO Roadmap until payment is successful. We will try to collect payment 4 times after which your account will be automatically cancelled. If your subscription is cancelled due to failed payments, you will need to sign up with a new subscription and you will lose any saved date including property information you have stored in the My HMO App. Please contact us using the form below if you have any further questions about failed payments.